Potential History: Unlearning Imperialism

A pop-up exhibit curated by students in A&S 325

This exhibit draws inspiration from Ariella Aïsha Azoulay's book of the same title and aims to confront the profound legacy of violence deeply ingrained within museum collections.

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Student research in the archives...

Association of Black Collegians Archives Project

The ABC Archives Project (AAP) aims to create and hold space for the preservation, remembrance, and honoring of the ways in which Black people across decades have created, sustained, and evolved through community with each other on Lafayette College's campus. We hope for this project to serve as a host for institutional memory that is and would not be otherwise recorded and as a touchstone for Black students, staff, faculty, administrators, and alumni to frequent for words of wisdom and the reminder that they are not the first nor will they be the last to navigate through their experiences.

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Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the ABC: 1969-2019

The Founding of the Association of Black Collegians

An online exhibition featuring photographs and documents from the College Archives tracing the early history of the Association of Black Collegians at Lafayette College.

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